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Gespeichert von aDm1n3k am 10 October 2019
During the whole period of our cooperation Paweł Pomianek proved to be a reliable student, decent and superior in performing tasks, efficient and responsible , constantly gaining his professional knowledge. He was one of the students with the best average grade of the year and among people who were outstanding in the tasks assigned to them. My personal opinion about him comes from the period of several years of cooperation with Mr Paweł Pomianek . As a supervisor of his master’s thesis and currently as the supervisor of his final thesis, I can say that he is trustworthy person, striving to acquire knowledge on his own, investigative and hardworking.
Testimonial job
dr hab. Tadeusz Smolnicki prof. nadzw. PWr. Prodziekan ds. rozwoju i finansów - Wydział Mechaniczny
Testimonial Name
Wrocław University of Technology

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